Thursday, September 27, 2012

Songs of Autumn

Ah, autumn, the fall. I like all of the seasons. There is joy enough to go around. But I confess it is the autumn which most touches me.

In my teaching life, in the early years, there was Hopkins "Spring and Fall" and Keats’s "Ode to Autumn." Later, I taught a course in American Nature Writers. I was profound in the classroom, of course, but it was really the woods that provoked reverie in members of the class.

When I was a kid, it was still legal to burn leaves–and roast marshmallows. There is no better smell than that fire, no better taste than those marshmallows.

But there is still a glory in the season.


In my present life, though, it is especially the songs which reach me. There are great songs you can play any time at all. Some you can play only at certain times–Winter Wonderland, for example, and many Christmas songs.

But Autumn has some of the greatest. Eddie sings Henry Nemo’s "‘Tis Autumn," first recorded by Nat "King" Cole. And we play the song made famous by Woody Herman and his sax section–"Early Autumn." Beautiful.

Last week-end Scott Barnum couldn't be with the band so Eddie asked Craig Dove to play bass.  We had a good crowd and a great night.

And the band played a tune I have loved all of my life--"September Song."  Only one week-end left for that one.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Visitors from Far Away

Speaking of friends stopping by, there are old friends and new ones.

Blanca and Javier Alejandro Flores have been married for two weeks.  I'm not sure how they happened to be in Cedar Rapids or how they discovered us, but it was great having them in the room.  People who like the music always add to the flavor of what is going on.

And in this case Javier added something more.  He joined us to sing "New York, New York" with Eddie.

Blanca and Javier are from Mexico!  I was going to give them our "Came a Long Way to Hear You" Award--until I remembered the couple who came from Copenhagen.

Near or Far--friends are always welcome. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

When Friends Stop By

It’s probably a reflection of my old life, but among the the fringe treats I love in this new life are all of the pr stuff and having special friends show up for a gig. Students generally come to see professors only when things aren’t going well. Deans want to see professors only when the Dean is perturbed about something (which Deans usually are). People don’t drop into the office just for fun.

So I really enjoy things that call attention to good times. I like seeing the signs on the Longbranch and on First Avenue advertising the Eddie Piccard Quartet, and I loved seeing the article which appeared in Hoopla (Cedar Rapids Gazette).  I like the poster in the lobby at the Longbranch which lets hotel guests know about the band and which brought in a couple of new listeners recently.

A couple of weeks ago I got a special surprise.  My niece Lara drove from Bloomington, Illinois, just to catch the band and brought along her friend Kent as a bonus.

We had a great time. And we always play better when friends are present. I hope they come back and that others will drop in--soon.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Generations and Jazz

Yes, it’s been awhile since I last posted. I got distracted.

Yes, that is our house.  And yes, that was our tree.

A tree hitting the house at 11:30 at night is a little like a Max Roach bomb. It’s quick, then it’s over. My wife and I said "that was a close one"--and went back to sleep. 

Now a policeman shouting at you from about fifteen feet outside your bedroom door is more like a Dizzy Gillespie entrance. It gets your attention and holds it, insists on it.

And house repair time is like–well, I don’t know because it is still going on.

Back before the tree asserted itself, I was talking about the sense of community jazz carries with it and offers to all. I just got another taste of that.

A couple of weeks ago Dick Guider sat in with us at the Longbranch. He is a trumpet player from Las Vegas Eddie has known for many years.

It was a treat to have Dick join us because, first, the guy is really good. I especially enjoyed it when we played "St Louis Blues." We have never played that before, but Eddie sang the opening chorus, then Dick took over and the rhythm section locked on. Sometimes something sounds and feels so good that one feels levitated. By the time I got to solo I was already about two feet off the ground.

But my enjoyment didn’t end there. Zach Gignac is a good young friend of the band; he drops in to hear us whenever he gets the chance. He belongs to a group called The Pocket Tones.

I have never heard them, but Eddie has and he has sat in with them.

At the break I saw Zach in conversation with Dick Guider. There are maybe three generations calendar-wise between them. The sight made me remember my own experience, many many years ago, with a trumpet player named Stompey Whitlock.

These moments of contact keep the music rolling.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sights and Sounds

Some nice shots taken at a private party.  Sounds included.  Come to Longbranch tonight to catch the real thing.