Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flying Home

I started writing Sideman Solos in 2010 simply because I enjoyed describing my new life as a member of the Eddie Piccard Quartet. I let it drop because–well, other stuff got in the way. But now, like Jack Nicholson, "I’m back" (but I’m having a better time than he was when he said that).

What brings me back circles around the great vibist Lionel Hampton and his theme song "Flying Home."

As many of our friends know, the Eddie Piccard Quartet is now playing every Friday night at The Long Branch in Cedar Rapids, 7:00-11:00. On April 13th Acme Tools was having a company party at The Long Branch. We played "Flying Home" and at the end of the set I met Frank Balvanz, Host of Leo Greco’s Variety Time on WMT. Frank remarked–very casually–that he had once played with Lionel Hampton. When he was in a college band, Lionel Hampton was once a visiting star.  Knowing that Frank had shared the stage with Lionel Hampton gave me something of Hampton's relentless adrenalin for the rest of the night.

April 20th was Lionel Hampton’s birthday. Dan Johnson–well-known bassist often seen in various musical combinations with Dennis McMurrin–was in the audience and he requested "Flying Home." It always adds something to have another musician listening. Once again, the song swung like crazy. It is a joy to play.

Hampton himself always made that perfectly clear. 

There’s joy in the playing and in sharing the experience on the scene and here in this blog.

It’s good to be back.